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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

What the Children Do


Each year, Y4 pupils from St Edmunds and St Josephs attend a three day residential in Horstead, Norfolk. The children have a fantastic time trying out different adventurous activities including rock climbing, archery, river canoeing, team building games, table tennis, low ropes course, zip wire and more!


On the residential I really enjoyed the archery. It was really fun and I really want to go again.

On the residential trip I really enjoyed making friends with St Joseph’s children and they were Henry and William.

I enjoyed the zip wire. It was fantastic but I was scared because the lady said that it was 9m high but I completed my goal!

I loved archery because I have always wanted to do it and finally I had an opportunity.

I liked that the instructors were so kind.

I really enjoyed the low ropes because I love getting muddy and it was fun being blindfolded.

I enjoyed the pool table, hot chocolate and the zip wire. They were all fantastic. For me it was the best time of my life.

The funniest thing that happened on the residential trip was the zip wire and Mrs Copeman jumping off the tower.

I enjoyed the canoeing the most because it was a soaking experience!

I liked the zip wire because I’m trying new stuff like team activities, archery, low ropes and canoeing. I loved the rooms and the food. Best trip ever!


Our extra-curricular programme is extensive and includes lunchtime and after school clubs and inter school competitions. The majority of our after school clubs are run by our committed teaching staff and are delivered with high levels of enthusiasm and knowledge. Our current programme includes football, rounders and netball. We also enter a variety of competitions with our school teams.

The PE and School Sport Premium introduced to schools is used to build upon our successes and help us to develop even better access to high quality PE, and foster a lifelong love of sport and embed knowledge about the benefits of sustained physical activity.

We are committed to high quality continual professional development for all our staff, not just teachers. As this competency is developed we will be able to secure a sustainable change and improvement to benefit our children and their families. Please come and join us and enjoy a healthy active lifestyle with us.


At St Joseph's we ensure that the children have a key role in governing the school. Amongst others, we do this through the School Council, Eco Council and through our Junior Road Safety Officers. Please read on to find out more!


What is the School Council?

The School Council consists of two representatives from each class. The Council meets frequently, at least once every half-term, to express views and make decisions.

Staff are always keen to know the views of our pupils. For example, following curriculum-enrichment weeks, the introduction of new school initiatives and current themes that the school is focusing on.

The school council played a key role in the formulation of the Learning Bricks which relate to the Learning Characteristics that underpin the development of all of our pupils as successful learners. They introduce these to the whole school each week in assembly and we celebrate pupils who have demonstrated these characteristics to others during the week.

Recent decisions have included:

  • How we could raise money to buy new playground equipment.
  • How to improve lunchtimes – what games they’d like to play, what equipment we should buy.
  • How to encourage full attendance from all pupils.
  • Design decisions for the new building

Representatives of the School Council are very much active citizens. They have begun writing to the parents to share their views and ask for their support in key issues too.