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The Federation of St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools

The Federation of
St Edmund's & St Joseph'sCatholic Primary Schools

About Us.

We are a Federation between St Edmund's and St Joseph's Catholic Primary Schools and St Edmund’s Pre-school.

Maria Kemble is the executive Head Teacher presiding over the schools. In addition, each school has a Head of school and a single governing body. The two schools share their resources, specialist teachers and subject leaders.

As catholic schools it is the celebration of our Faith which gives us our unique character and makes our community so special. Our Mission Statement 'Learning Together in God's Love by encouraging and supporting one another' has been chosen to reflect the journey each individual makes as they grow spiritually and academically during their career with us.

The mosaic at St Edmunds was designed and created by the children, parents, staff and governors to symbolise the kind of community we are. At the heart of the school life in both schools lies our Christian faith, which provides the backdrop for each child to develop their individual gifts and talents. Just as each tile in the mosaic is unique and has its role to play in the making of the whole, so each child and family has a special part to ensure that our schools are caring Christian communities.