Week 2
Welcome to week 2 of our home learning.
We have loved seeing all your achievements that you have sent in!! You have all been so busy and creative! Some of you have been doing the maths lessons from the WhiteRose website and have sent us pictures of your learning. They are really easy to access and have a quick explanation of each lesson. Here is the link if you want to have a go. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/
We are all very proud of your efforts and cant wait to see what you will send us in next week.
As always please remember to go on TTRS - especially to do a soundcheck. We will be checking it this week to make sure everyone has had a go.
Accelerated Reader is also accessible at home. The best way to get on this is via the link Mr Scales sent in his email dated 20.3.2020 entitled 'Home Learning'. Again we are going to be looking at the reports to check everyone is doing at least 1 quiz a week.
Please find attached your Homelearning tasks for this week. Can we remind you that they are suggestions and not expectations. We appreciate some families may have other challenges at the moment and so we have provided them if you would like them.
Keep looking after each other, keep being kind and keep being thoughtful. Be the best you can be!
You and your families are in our thoughts and prayers as always.